My second time buying stuff from online...
And it was deliver so quickly!!!
Order it on 18/01/10 (Monday) at 1150pm.
And when i was back from sch today, my mum asked me : "what is this?"
When i saw it, i knew it...
Its Here!!!!
Bought it from this website:
www.nailvibe.comI would highly recommend this website to you guys...
- They have really good service.
- You dont need to wait very long to get your goods!
- they have a huge variety of nail colors...
- ITS OPI!!!
This is how it was delivered (in a letter form)
But no Worries!!!
It was pack with some air bubble plastic thingie...
I was given this free!!!
So this is it!!!
From left: Pink of Heart, Cancun Fiesta, Ds Reserve
thats the color, though
Cancun Fiesta didnt come out as what i thought, but it still really nice!
(i actually want a slightly duller hot pink)
So this is it! My second time online shopping and frst experience with
nail vibe...
Gonna play with them after i finish my target work!
Wish me luck~~~